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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 29, Issue 1, pp. 1-292

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The Variational Formulation of the Fokker--Planck Equation

Richard Jordan, David Kinderlehrer, and Felix Otto

pp. 1-17

Stability of a Relaxation Model with a Nonconvex Flux

Hailiang Liu, Jinghua Wang, and Tong Yang

pp. 18-29

A Condensation--Evaporation Problem in Kinetic Theory

L. Arkeryd and A. Nouri

pp. 30-47

A Variational Problem Related to the Ginzburg--Landau Model of Superconductivity with Normal Impurity Inclusion

Shijin Ding, Zuhan Liu, and Wanghui Yu

pp. 48-68

Asymptotic Behavior of the Solutions to a Landau--Ginzburg System with Viscosity for Martensitic Phase Transitions in Shape Memory Alloys

Jürgen Sprekels, Songmu Zheng, and Peicheng Zhu

pp. 69-84

A Nonlocal Regularization of Some Over-Determined Boundary-Value Problems I

D. E. Edmunds and N. I. Popivanov

pp. 85-105

On a Characterization of the Kernel of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann Map for a Planar Region

David Ingerman and James A. Morrow

pp. 106-115

Exponentially Growing Solutions for Nonsmooth First-Order Perturbations of the Laplacian

Carlos F. Tolmasky

pp. 116-133

Local Average Liapunov Functions and Persistence in Population Dynamics

W. H. Ruan

pp. 134-154

Exponential Stability of a Thermoelastic System with Free Boundary Conditions without Mechanical Dissipation

George Avalos and Irena Lasiecka

pp. 155-182

Stability of N-Fronts Bifurcating from a Twisted Heteroclinic Loop and an Application to the Fitzhugh--Nagumo Equation

Björn Sandstede

pp. 183-207

Monotonicity of Phaselocked Solutions in Chains and Arrays of Nearest-Neighbor Coupled Oscillators

Liwei Ren and G. Bard Ermentrout

pp. 208-234

Refinable Function Vectors

Zuowei Shen

pp. 235-250

Orthogonality of Sieved Random Walk Polynomials from a Nonsieved Analogue

Blaise Desesa

pp. 251-265

Frames Containing a Riesz Basis and Preservation of This Property Under Perturbations

Peter G. Casazza and Ole Christensen

pp. 266-278

Harmonious Extensions

E. Le Gruyer and J. C. Archer

pp. 279-292